Tuesday, June 23, 2009


The guy with the spikey hair. The hero kids love. The goofy smile on his face most times. The " What the fuck are you talking about ?" look when he's listening to ChiChi's(His wife) rants.

He is hilarious. ( He was allowed to come to earth for a day for heaven... He had a halo over his head ... some random reporter asked him " What's with the wierd headgear" and he replied .. " oo .. the halo .. well actually I'm dead and I've come to earth for a day to fight in the World Martial Arts championships... the reporters goes like " hahaha you're a funny man!" ... and Goku looks in bewilderment scratching his head ... )

He is noble.

He eats a lot!!!

He is the strongest fighter in the Universe.

He saves the world always.

All so fairy-tailish isn't it? The character is so unreal ... yes.. right ... he is unreal...
But Goku ROCKS! ... you always want to be like him ... more than the hero .... the goofy confused type of guy .. whose .. kind of ... funny! ...