Wednesday, May 25, 2011


"Jiraiya Sensei to Nagato:
Being hurt inevitably breeds hatred towards the offender.But when we hurt others, we have to deal with their hatred for us and our own feelings of guilt. But knowing what it feels like to be hurt is exactly why we try to be kind to others. That's what makes us human...

What do I have to do to be like that?

Jiraiya Sensei : Well ... you have to grow up ..."

It might be weird for me to say this. But Jiraiya is my sensei. He is a character from a story... yes. I have always wished for that one teacher who could guide me, who I could turn for advice when I am confused. Jiraiya is someone in whom I can see that teacher. And even though he is not real, whenever I am in despair, I think about one of his quotes or just put his photo as my background on my laptop and that gives me strength. Sensei is the best! :)

Josh Ritter

I thank Luke Joseph Bowers for introducing me to this brilliant artist. For those who do not know, Josh Ritter is a singer-songwriter. My friend Luke introduced me to one of his songs called Temptation of Adam. It is a beautiful song about two people being in love in a sheltered environment.
His music is so light... it makes your pupils dilate. It just sounds pretty. And then when you reads his lyrics, you find out what an artist this man is. The most beautiful lyrics about love, about the world war, about time, about falling in love with a mummy... about human emotions. His song writing is so freely flowing. He is as good of a poet as he is a musician. Love this guy.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson

He was the greatest musical genius of the previous century perhaps ... although that statement is useless... there is no comparison in music...
I like many of his songs ... but he changed the music and entertainment industry forever. Also, what people don't appreciate is the fact that he opened the door for Black America to take center stage... It was first Michael Jackson ... then cam Oprah Winfrey ... Tiger Woods ... Barrack Obama.
Lets not talk of stats. He will blow any other artist away. Thriller is the most successful album ever.
What is more astonishing is his musical intellect. He wrote and sung songs since his the age of 11 (Jackson 5) . I don't like calling Jackson the "King of Pop" ... because .. his music shattered any boundaries of genre. He was not contained to pop. Or perhaps what Michael played was eventually called Pop. Thriller blew the world away ... thr title track, Beat it, Billie Jean ... awesome songs ...and they have been covered by so many artists in so many versions over the past 30 years. Then Bad, History .. i liked them a lot.
My personal favourite song is " You're not alone" ... it is rather mellow for a Jackson song ... but its great. Also you can listen to "Dirty Diana" ... when you feel like the woeld is your enemy ...
Jackson had an abused childhood. Thus he loved kids. He was NOT a paedophile. I don't believe that shit. Some attention hungry freaks made so much garbage out of it.
Michael was eccentric. He was a kid. I sort of can see it in him . His "friendship" with the chimpanzee 'Bubbles'. His numerous face operations. (By the way, he was turning white becuase he had a disease called vitiligo). But he was good man. And a genius too.
Michael Jackson is a legend and his music will rock for a long long time.
he once said,
"If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with."

well... he might be just a little dissapointed....

By the way ... he was the most amazing dancer i've ever seen ...

Rest In Peace MJ

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


The guy with the spikey hair. The hero kids love. The goofy smile on his face most times. The " What the fuck are you talking about ?" look when he's listening to ChiChi's(His wife) rants.

He is hilarious. ( He was allowed to come to earth for a day for heaven... He had a halo over his head ... some random reporter asked him " What's with the wierd headgear" and he replied .. " oo .. the halo .. well actually I'm dead and I've come to earth for a day to fight in the World Martial Arts championships... the reporters goes like " hahaha you're a funny man!" ... and Goku looks in bewilderment scratching his head ... )

He is noble.

He eats a lot!!!

He is the strongest fighter in the Universe.

He saves the world always.

All so fairy-tailish isn't it? The character is so unreal ... yes.. right ... he is unreal...
But Goku ROCKS! ... you always want to be like him ... more than the hero .... the goofy confused type of guy .. whose .. kind of ... funny! ...


Favourites! That is what this is about.
I've never thought of something better than the other. But yes, I have very strong likings about things. I just love what I love. My favorites... cartoons, subjects, websites... songs ... bands ... people .. and many other things ...